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Giving Tuesday is Here!

Join us for a day of giving

December 3, 2024

Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good.  Over the past 12 years, this idea has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

The Venice Youth Boating was hit pretty hard with not one, but two hurricanes, which left our sailing center in shambles from flooding (both times), the loss of necessary equipment to run programs, and left our sailors on land for over two months. Our programs suffered as we were not able to provide the classroom or the avenue to get on the water due to the aftermath the hurricanes left our waterways in. 

Luckily, with the help of all our coaches, board members, sailing families, and volunteers, we were able to get the sailing center back up and running and our kids are back on the water! We are still in need of critical items to keep us running like a water fountain, first aid supplies and various tools as our sailors do all the maintenance on the boats. Giving Tuesday is great day to donate to help support.

Scroll down to donate today!

There are other ways you can help

Amazon Hurricane Recovery Wish List

Become a Sponsor

Matching Donations

Sponsor a Sailor or Name a Race boat

Email the Director: or call 941-468-1719

Buy Merch- Coming soon

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Collected: $21,275.00
Goal: $100.00
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We are a national, membership-based organization dedicated to promoting the protection and well-being of vulnerable children and youth.

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